The genital autonomy movement recently gained a new ally in the campaign against forced genital mutilation and for legal recognition of children’s rights to bodily integrity. Intact Global, Inc. was founded by attorney Eric Clopper for the purpose of raising funds to pursue impact litigation to expand legal protections to all children from non-therapeutic, non-consensual genital surgeries. Existing state laws only extend such protections to children born with a vulva (females).

Intact Global will collaborate with the Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund (GALDEF) to raise funds to pursue litigation to reshape the U.S. legal landscape and to ensure that laws governing medically unnecessary genital cutting of non-consenting children are applied equally, regardless of sex. GALDEF maintains, and Intact Global has applied for, IRS-recognition as a 501(c)3 non-profit entity.

Left to right: Intact Global Treasurer Joe McCormack, GALDEF Executive Director Tim Hammond, Intact Global founder Eric Clopper.

Intact Global’s Community Development Director, Che Johnson, states that “Intact Global’s primary mission at this time is to raise funds for a constitutionally-based equal protection lawsuit in one or more states. As the need arises we’ll partner with other law firms and non-profits to increase our impact.”

Johnson noted there are key differences between the two groups, noting “Our organizations aren’t meant to compete with each other, but to work in a complementary and synergistic manner.”


GALDEF Executive Director Tim Hammond clarified that while GALDEF is not a law firm, part of its mission is to raise funds to assist plaintiffs and their attorneys with impact litigation involving not only constitutional guarantees of equal protection, but cases of medical fraud, illegal Medicaid coverage, and fighting for improved informed consent.Hammond notes that GALDEF’s programs are much broader. “We’re developing a Cooperating Attorneys Network to form a legion of lawyers like Mr. Clopper and Atlanta attorney David Llewellyn – known as ‘The Circumcision Lawyer’ – to encourage similar lawsuits around the country. Our website offers useful attorney resources and our Grant Assistance Program funds grants to help cover associated legal costs.”

Hammond said GALDEF will also help indemnify attorneys who might lose a circumcision-related case and face court-ordered reimbursement to opposing counsel. “By having attorneys’ backs, we want to encourage them to take the risk of filing these lawsuits.”

According to Hammond, GALDEF also engages in educational  outreach “to influence public opinion and to lay a groundwork of support for children’s bodily integrity and genital autonomy both outside and inside the courtroom, because judges are people too.

GALDEF pledges $10k to Intact Global

The Board of Directors of GALDEF has pledged $10,000 to support Intact Global’s Equal Protection legal challenge to the Oregon FGM-only state law. Watch a
video of the recent meeting between Tim Hammond, Eric Clopper and Intact Global Treasurer Joe McCormack as they discuss the similarities and differences between the two organizations.

Both organizations agree that multiple entities raising funds for lawsuits is advantageous. According to Johnson, “Our organizations will attract new donors who believe genital mutilation is not gender-specific and that all children deserve protection for this private part of their bodies until they’re old enough to decide for themselves upon such permanent, irreversible surgeries.”

Hammond reinforced Johnson’s sentiment with the reminder that “Bodily autonomy, especially among a socially vulnerable and politically powerless group like children, is a critical issue that Americans must face. It ultimately comes down to the question: Who should decide how much of a child’s genitals they get to keep?”



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