Join our team
We welcome your support and involvement!
GALDEF places an emphasis on being an inclusive and welcoming organization to ensure diversity within its board, officers and membership with regard to gender, racial, religious and sexual orientation/gender identity, among others.
Please complete this short survey with your interests, skills and contact details.
Who are we looking for?
Legal Professionals
Professionals who want to work together to advance impact litigation.
Grant review Committee
Legal professionals to review plaintiff requests for financial assistance with impact litigation.
Media Spokesperson
Legal professionals to join GALDEF executives in making public statements.
Independent Researchers
Those who want to undertake special fact-finding projects.
Social Media Coordinator
Experience with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc
Graphics Designer
To design brochures, promotional materials, and advertisements.
Website Coordinator
Website development and maintenance.
Those with fundraising experience (peer-to-peer campaigns, grants, bequests, etc.)