Litigation Assistance Grants

GALDEF intends to make funds available to plaintiffs and their attorneys to assist with certain costs of litigation. Such costs may include (but not be limited to):

Photocopies, faxes, postage, courier fees, expert/consultant fees, court filing fees, court reporter costs, witness subpoena fees, service of process fees, notary services, long distance telephone costs, certain travel and hotel costs (within reason), costs associated with obtaining medical records, costs of discovery, expenses related to obtaining expert witnesses, partial indemnification of attorneys facing taxation of costs or penalties for so-called frivolous lawsuits (indemnification available only to previously approved grant recipients).

If successful litigation results in positive financial settlements, attorneys may be asked to make a tax deductible donation to GALDEF in the amount of the grant (or greater) in order to recoup the grant costs so that we may continue to offer this service to the next round of future plaintiffs and their attorneys.

Watch this page for the availability of the grant application. After a grant application is submitted, the attorneys and board members who comprise our Grant Selection Review Committee will review and assess the application for possible grant assistance.